To purchase a single book chapter or journal article (electronic version) on SpringerLink website, please follow the steps listed below:
Step 1 – SpringerLink Product Page
From the SpringerLink Product Page, you are able to purchase chapters or articles by clicking the buy button on the product page.
Step 2 – Login and registration page
Please go to the login/registration page and if you already have a personal SpringerLink, Springer Materials, Adis Insight or account, you can use it to log on. If you do not have a SpringerLink account, navigate here to create an account.
If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to confirm a "Your Springer Registration" message. If you register, you will receive a registration confirmation mail (see below). It will request that you activate your account by clicking the word “here” in the Springer Registration confirmation email message.
Step 3 – Enter your billing address
You will be able to choose between private / author or corporate customer.
Step 4 – Order Placement Page
Payments can be made by credit card or PayPal. Click on "Buy Now" on the right side to continue.
Step 5 – Payment Page
Please enter your credit card details. If you have selected PayPal, you will be redirected to PayPal to finalize the payment.
Step 6 – Thank you page
You will be able to download the chapter PDF right after you place the order.
Step 7 - Confirmation Mail
The confirmation email also contains a button to download the chapter. (Please note, that this confirmation email is just an example, from a different order.)
If you have any other questions, please contact our Customer Service team.