Springer Nature Link advanced search option

The advanced search tool on Springer Nature Link helps you find more precise results by offering additional search options. 

The tool can be accessed directly through the advanced search page or by clicking the link below the search bar on the main search page

All fields in the advanced search support Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and phrase-matching (using quotation marks for exact phrases).

The 'Advanced search' link is below the search bar when viewing the main search page.

The advanced search allows you to search within an entire document or specific sections. Here’s how each search field works: 

  • Keywords: Searches all parts of the document, including the title, abstract, and body text (but not supplementary files). 
  • Title: Finds publications that contain your keywords in the document title. 
  • Author(s) or Editor(s): Searches for works by specific authors or editors. You can enter multiple names, separated by commas. 
  • In Journal(s): Limits the search to specific journals where the documents were published. You can enter multiple journal names, separated by commas. 
  • Date Published: Filters results by a specific date range. 

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