Project Organizers

1. Get invite to EquinOCS

When creating a new project in the EquinOCS system, Project Organizers will be invited to participate in the project.

Thus, all Project Organizers will receive corresponding invitations by email. Below you can see an example of an email.

A screenshot of invitation by EquinOCS system

In this case, confirmation or rejection is required.

A screenshot of Accept and Decline Action

After confirmation, the name of this Project Organizers will be displayed on the Project home page.

A screenshot of the name of this Project Organizers will be displayed on the Project home page.

2. Get access to EquinOCS

Via following the link in your invitation mail, the EquinOCS Login page will be opened in your browser. Click on the button “Enter Service”.

A screenshot of EquinOCS Login page will be opened in your browser

Please note: The button “Submit now” is exclusive for submissions, and will guide you directly to the paper submission process. Click the button “Enter service”

  • If you already have an account at EquinOCS you will be asked to Login. After Login you will be guided to the start page where you can 3. Configure your Project
  • If you do not yet have an account at EquinOCS, please follow the registration process. Once your Account has been created an email will be sent to the address you’ve stated in the registration process. Please follow the instructions in this mail to activate your account and start to 3. Configure your Project
  • Screeshot of account confirmation

    3. Configure your Project

    You can reach the Settings section of  the Project by clicking  on the navigation tab on the left side of you screen

    A screenshot of project settings

    The Settings window of the Project consists of the following items.

    A screenshot of Project items

    3.1 General data

    In this section you can change the basic information about the Project, such as Acronym, Name, Public Service Page (URL), External Service Page (URL) and Description. Some fields are not editable by Project Organizers and are only available to the Admin.

    A screenshot of Basic information about the Project

    3.2 Style

    In this section you can define the Project logo as shown in the image below.

    A screenshot of Style Settings

    The logo is displayed on the Project list page. 

    A screenshot of logo

    A screenshot of Style color theme

    3.3 Licensing

    In this section you can view all the information related to the LTP associated to the project: 

    • Licence Groups (Open Access Paper or Standard Subscription)
    • Licensee (Springer Nature Switzerland AG or Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd)
    • Volume Editors names
    • Link to Instructions for Authors 
    • Series
  • Licensing view

    NB: The volume editors are the ones whose names are to appear on the cover of the proceedings and in the header of the Licence to publish agreement. It is essential that they are correct.

    3.4 Submission

    In the "Submission" section you can find all the settings related to the paper submission process.  Here you can: 

    • enable or disable the papers submission (New Papers, New Versions of Submitted Papers (e.g. Revised Versions), Final Versions of Accepted Papers), abstract-only submission, complemental archive submission,
    • define paper categories,
  • You can also find, but not edit, information about: 

    • Require Third Party Content Declaration on Final Submission 
    • Screening
  • Submission view

    3.5 Bidding

    In the "Bidding" section, you can enable or disable the bidding process and decide whether to shuffle the papers for the bidding table or not.

    Bidding view

    3.6 Assignment

    In the "Assignment" section, you can set the minimum number of reviewers per paper.

    Assignment view

    3.7 Reviewing

    In the "Reviewing" section, you can select the type of review (i.e. open, triple-blind, double-blind, or single-blind) and allow or block reviewing for papers where a decision has already been made.

    Reviewing view

    3.8 Discussion

    In the "Discussion" section, you can select one of the discussion modes, i. e. open to all members, open to deciders and reviewers, closed - visible for all members, closed - visible for deciders and determine who can participate in paper discussions.

    Discussion view

    4. Overview


    This section helps project organizers to view various project related information such as Papers, Users, Notifications, Emails, etc.

    Overview of SNTP2023

    4.1 Papers

    In this section you can find all the information about all papers, with the exception of Withdrawn papers. Some actions are also available: move (Project Organizers can move papers from one project to another if they have the Organizer role in both projects) and withdraw (Project organizers can move papers from the list of ''normal'' papers to a special list of withdrawn papers).

    Information about all papers

    Project Organizers can export paper metadata to an Excel file using one of the ''Export Papers'' options.

    Export papers option

    Project Organizers can also export PDF documents, including or without associated review reports, to a ZIP file using one of the ''Export Papers'' options.

    Export PDF documents

    4.2 Withdrawn papers

    In this section you can find all the information about Withdrawn papers.

    all information about withdrawn papers

    Only one action is available here: Restore. (Project organizers can restore papers from a special list of withdrawn papers to the “normal” papers list).

    4.3 Users

    This section lists all users grouped by roles. In addition to the default list of roles Project Organizers can create the custom ones.

    The ''Roles & Members'' section contains roles that are created by default and can then be changed by Project Organizers.

    The “Other Participants” section contains roles that the system automatically assigns to some users and this data cannot be changed (Authors - all users mentioned as authors for any article belonging to this project, Reviewers - all persons who reviewed at least one article).

    Roles and members overview

    Project Organizers can export user information to an Excel file using the ''Export Users'' option.

    export user information to an Excel file using the ''Export Users'' option

    4.4 Technical Tracks

    This section is only available for multi-track projects, when one main project contains several subtracks inside. Each subtrack can be treated as a separate project, with an independent review process. However, all subtracks are interconnected by a main project, which allows us to combine content from different subtracks into one volume if necessary. Project organizers can add new tracks and make changes to existing ones.

    add new tracks and make changes to existing one

    4.5 Email Outbox

    Here you can find all Emails that were triggered by you via specific actions (e.g. “8. Assign reviewers to the submitted papers" or “10. Decide and Notify authors of decisions made on articles”) and have been automatically sent by EquinOCS.

    A screenshot of Email Outbox section

    5. Initiate Call-for Papers

    Once the Project is fully configured, you are ready for the paper submission. To do this, click on the button “Yes” on the item “Allow Submission of New Papers”.

    A screenshot of New Papers submission

    The system automatically generates the link to the Project page. It is displayed in the Project configuration item “Public Service Page”. You can use this link to invite the authors to the paper submission process.

    A screenshot of Public Service Page link

    Using this link, authors can easily access the Project submission page and submit their papers.

    A screenshot of Project submission

    6. Invite Bidders (PC members, Reviewers)

    You can invite bidders (Project Members, Reviewers) or other Project participants in the "Overview"-" Users"-''Roles&Member'' section.

    A screenshot of Overview

    It contains a list of default roles such as PC Chair, PC Member and Reviewers. You can also add custom roles if needed.

    A screenshot of Roles & Members

    Select the role you need and click the ''Invite'' button.

    A screenshot of invitation link

    To invite the single user you should enter the first name, last name and email address, but only this last field is required.

    A screenshot of Invite PC Chair

    When the invitation has been sent, the user is displayed in the list of invited users. You can cancel the invitation if need be.

    A screenshot of  invite confirmation

    To invite a group of uses you can use the tab “Invite multiple users”.

    Invite multiple users

    The system will show you a link to share with your colleagues:

    By accepting this invitation, they will become users with a specific role.

    A screenshot of PC Chair invite confirmation

    7. Understanding the Automatic Screening Results

    EquinOCS offers a CrossRef Similarity Check to PC Chairs and Volume Editors to check manuscript submissions against millions of other published scholarly articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, other academic content, and billions of web pages to ensure its originality. This tool can be used in the editorial process to identify matching text but it cannot, on its own, identify plagiarism. Manual examination of the matching text and judgment used are still required to identify if plagiarism has occurred or not.

    Plagiarism detection at an early stage may be helpful to:

    • educate authors who are less familiar with the ethics of publishing and our Authors Code-of-Conduct;

    • reduce the workload for PC Chairs/ Volume Editors and reviewers if ethical issues are captured at an early stage.

  • You can select to have each submission screened or to manually screen specific papers. If each submission is screened, once the manuscript is uploaded to EquinOCS, a Similarity Score is returned indicating the percentage of text in the uploaded paper that matches text in other published documents or websites. 

    Dashboard View Papers

    The results of the Similarity Score are displayed in the ‘’View Papers’’, see the screenshot below:

    Dashboard View Papers

    The highlighted column in the dashboard of EquinOCS provides the recommendation icon for each manuscript submitted*:   

    OK to proceed icon

    Ok to proceed - no overlap that provides a concern

    To investigate icon

    To investigate - overlap found providing a potential concern

    Do not proceed icon

    Do not proceed - significant overlap found providing a potential concern

    *The recommendation made is based on an Artificial Intelligence algorithm. You are advised to verify the results and use your discretion to take informed decisions on how to proceed when overlap is found.  

    The Similarity Check provides the following output:

    Okay to Proceed

    The paper does not show any overlap that is concerning and can proceed with the next steps.


    Even low percentages may contain plagiarism. We advise that you check the Crossref report even in the case of an ‘Okay to proceed’ recommendation.

    A screenshot of Automatic screening of OK to proceed

    To investigate

    The paper provides a similarity score resulting in a potential concern. Via the similarity viewer, the overlap can be further investigated before making an informed decision on the final manuscript:

    A screenshot of Automatic screening of To investigate

    Do Not Proceed

    The paper provides a similarity score resulting in a potential concern. This does not always mean the paper is plagiarized and via the similarity viewer, the overlap can be further investigated before making an informed decision on the final manuscript:

    A screenshot of Automatic screening of Do not proceed

    Overall Similarity → this value tells how much content of this manuscript is similar in other documents.

    Highest matching source → this value tells us the number of % in the document is mapping with one single highest source. 

    Similarity Viewer → provides a link to access/download report to analyze the document


    The Similarity Checker is not a measure of the amount of plagiarism in a document. It simply provides the amount of overlap from other documents

    If the similarity is flagged to the Author, do not share the link to the report or the complete report in any other form with the author(s) or other external parties. This is a requirement from CrossRef. Larger amount of overlap can be forwarded via screenshots, if needed.

    Similarity check results 

    Upon submission of a manuscript or if manually triggered, a Similarity Score is returned providing a recommendation on how to proceed. As this is a recommendation based on an Artificial Intelligence algorithm, you are advised to check the overlaps found.

    Via Open Link, you are able to access the full report provided by the Similarity Check for further investigation. There is a walkthrough available in the Similarity Viewer to help understand and identify the overlap that was found:


    A screenshot of Automatic screening of Similarity check results

    The percent in the plagiarism score may not be relevant. What we consider to be risky is large text passages (more than 2 paragraphs that are directly copied from another publication without the correct reference to the source publication).

    In the overall similarity you can exclude sources and you can select specific overlaps for further investigation, linking to the publications where the overlap is matched to ensure its originality. 

    Training and guidance

    Springer Nature has developed a training course which provides an overview of plagiarism, and several guides on how to interpret the results of the Crossref software.

    • Crossref Tips and tricks - first time users

  • This is a two-page document that may be used as a quick reference guide for getting started.

    • Tips and tricks - how to interpret the results 

  • This is a one-page document that may be used as a quick reference guide

    • Comprehensive CrossRef Guide

  • This longer document provides a full guide to using Crossref.

    • Plagiarism Course

  • This free four-module course provides a comprehensive overview of the plagiarism: what constitutes problematic overlap, how to investigate it, and how to deal with it

    Final Decision

    If you as PC Chair / Volume Editor decide if revisions are required from the Author based on the Similarity Score, you can go to the decision tab to request a revised manuscript, following these steps, accept or reject.  

    A screenshot of Automatic screening of Final Decision

    8. Assign reviewers to the submitted papers

    The assignment of reviewers to the submitted papers is done via the ''Assign'' window.

    A screenshot of Assign reviewers to the submitted papers

    You can choose between manual and automatic assignment.

    A screenshot of manual and automatic assignment.

    Within manual assignment, you manually select the required number of reviewers for each paper. The bid results and the number of already assigned papers are displayed for each reviewer.

    A screenshot of manual assignment.

    Within automatic assignment, the system will ask you for the preferences, and then it will show the result of automatic assignments.

    A screenshot of auto assignment.

    You can see details, apply or re-run assignments for all or only some of the papers (using the lock function).

    A screenshot of Re-Run Auto assign.


    After that, you can see the result of your work and decide whether to notify all reviewers of all papers, all reviewers of only some papers, or only selected reviewers.
    NB: Until users are notified about assignments, they will not be able to submit their reviews.

    A screenshot of result of your work and decide whether to notify all reviewers of all papers, all reviewers of only some papers, or only selected reviewers.

    During the notification process, you can send additional comments or instructions to the reviewers.

    A screenshot of Optional comment

    After the assignment, you can still make changes, such as the cancellation of already assigned reviewers or adding additional reviewers.

    A screenshot where you can still make changes, such as the cancellation of already assigned reviewers or adding additional

    9. Receive reviewers recommendation

    Each submitted review automatically triggers the notification email to Project Organizers.

    A screenshot of notification email to Project Organizers.

     The notification is displayed in the special ''Notifications'' window. 

    A screenshot of Notification window

    Moreover, all notifications are displayed in the window ''Received and Sent Emails''.

    A screenshot of notification for Received and Sent Emails

    Decisions are made in the appropriate ''Decide'' section.

    A screenshot of Decide section

    In this window, you can see all the articles and their details, see how many reviews have been submitted, and if necessary, remind reviewers of unsent reviews.

    A screenshot of articles and their details to see how many reviews have been submitted, and if necessary, remind reviewers of unsent reviews.

    10. Decide and Notify authors of decisions made on articles

    After reviewing the reports, you can proceed to making decisions on papers. You can make one of the following decisions: Accept, Revise or Reject. After making the decision, it is necessary to notify the authors. Until this is done, the decision can be changed.

    A screenshot of notification to Accept, Revise or Reject. After making the decision, it is necessary to notify the authors. Until this is done, the decision can be changed.

    You can notify the authors of one selected paper.

    A screenshot of notification for authors of one selected paper

    As an alternative, you can do the bulk notification.

    A screenshot of bulk notification

    After sending the notification to the authors, the result of actions is immediately displayed on the web page.

    A screenshot of results of action

    The decisions are displayed in the ''Overview'' - ''Papers'' window.

    A screenshot of decisions are displayed in the ''Overview'' - ''Papers'' window

    A screenshot of Overview if accepted or rejected

    11. Get final versions of accepted paper

    The note about the Final Version of the paper is visible in 2 different windows: ' ''Overview'' - ''Papers'' and ''Produce''.

    A screenshot of ''Overview'' - ''Papers'' and ''Produce''.

     In the ''Overview'' - ''Papers'' window, the padlock icons in the ''Status'' column depicts that the paper has been uploaded.

    A screenshot of ''Overview'' - ''Papers'' window, the padlock icons in the ''Status'

    In the ‘’Produce’’ window contains the detailed information about accepted papers.

    A screenshot of Produce window

    Here you can check whether the final version of the paper and the source archive have been uploaded and whether the Licence to Publish form has been accepted for the paper. If this has not been carried out, you can send a reminder.

    A screenshot of Produce window where you can send a reminder

    12. Create the volume 

    You can create the export zip file in the ''Produce'' window.

    A screenshot of window where you can create the export zip file in the ''Produce'' window

    To do this, select the ‘‘Proceedings’’ tab. The button “Start Proceedings Production” starts the generation.

    A screenshot of notification where you can select the ‘‘Proceedings’’ tab. The button “Start Proceedings Production” starts the generation

    Pay attention to the notification: If you proceed, all final versions of complete papers will be collected for the proceedings production. Complete papers are those for which a final upload including the source archive and signed Licence To Publish exists. Any changes to the papers in the previous stages of paper submission will then not be reflected in the upcoming proceedings volumes preparation. You would have to re-start from scratch in order to integrate such changes. Make sure that the final upload of the accepted papers is complete (including the source archive and Licence To Publish) before starting the proceedings production. 

     After the completion of the generation, you will see the following window.

    A screenshot of window after the completion of generation

    To complete the proceedings volume preparation, you need to follow several steps: 

    • divide papers by volume (if there is more than one), 
    • organize table of contents, 
    • enter correct abbreviation, title, subtitle and volume number (if applicable)
    • manage the program committee.

  • A screenshot of Organize Papers icon

    You can arrange papers by volume (if there are several of them), organize the table of contents in the "Organize Papers" section. To do this, you can create new volumes and topical parts and move articles between them by dragging them. You can also rename existing volumes and topical parts.

    A screenshot of where you can create new volumes and topical parts and move articles between them by dragging them. You can also rename existing volumes and topical parts.

    A screenshot of Edit Volume icon

    On the “Edit Volume” web page, you can:

    • check and modify the volume parameters such as: abbreviation, title, subtitle and volume number (if VM is not needed, leave 0 in the corresponding tab),
    • upload the preface (as a PDF file or as text in a text box) ,
    • add the names of the volume editors by selecting them from already existing users (if volume editors are not registered in the system, they must be added in advance in the "Members" section).

  • A screenshot of window where you can add the names of the volume editors by selecting them from already existing users

    A screenshot of To Manage Participants icon

    In the "Manage Participants" section, you can organize information about Project committees. Information about some of the registered users (Project Organizers, Project Members and Reviewers) will already be in this section. If the user is not registered in the system, then first you need to add his or her data to the section "Members", after which you can add the name of this person to the appropriate group.

    A screenshot of window to show list of participants


    A screenshot of Members icon

    In the section "Members" you can check and change information about existing users, as well as add information about new, previously unregistered users.

    A screenshot of window where you can check and change information about existing users, as well as add information about new, previously unregistered users.

    Please note that the sequence of the steps described above is not important. They can be performed in any order. The user can return to any step at any moment by selection of the appropriate menu button.

    After all the steps have been completed, a proceedings zip file can be generated using the "Generate Files" button you can also download it.

    A screenshot of window to generate files

    As a result of generation, we will have 2 files: PDF and Zip.

    A screenshot of result of generation

    The proceedings may be downloaded in either of following two formats:

    •   PDF format: Typically used for intermediate checks only.
    •   Zip format: This contains all of the files as required for the publication of the proceedings.

  • A screenshot of Download PDF or ZIP icon

    Alternatively, you can copy the link and share it with interested parties, for example, the corresponding Springer Editor.

    A screenshot of window where you can copy the link and share it with interested parties

    link examples:

    Alternatively, all proceedings  may  be  automatically  transferred  to  Springer’s  FTP  server.  However, this functionality is usually used for volumes to be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) and IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (IFIP AICT), formerly known as the IFIP Series. In this case, all the proceedings materials are automatically sent to the Springer server and a notification is sent to:

    screenshot of window for Optional comment

    In case any new documents have been accepted and need to be included in the volume, the system cannot add them to the already created volumes, as explained earlier. So, you need to delete the already existing volumes and start the procedure of creating anew.

    Screenshot of Accepted Papers page


    To do this, select the "Delete volumes and restart" option. In this case, all information about the volumes will be lost, and you will need to repeat all the steps one more time. You will see a corresponding notification.

    A screenshot of delete volumes and restart option

    There is no other way to add new papers to existing volumes.

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