Release 5.1
We report usage data for the Data_Types “Book”, “Journal” & “Reference_Work” in the Platform and Title reports.
We have decided to continue reporting Conference Proceedings as "Books." This decision is based on the absence of title-level metrics for the "Conference" Data_Type, which are essential for reporting on the usage of our eBook collections. To address the possible lack of granularity from reporting Conference Proceedings as "Books," we are introducing a new custom element "SN:Data_Type_With_Conference."
In COUNTER 5.1, Data_Type for database products depends on a Metric_Type: Database_Full applies to Search and Denial metrics in Database Reports. while Database_Full_Item applies to investigations & requests in Database Reports & Platform Reports.
We also added usage of our video content to COUNTER 5.1 reports. It is reported as “Audiovisual” in Platform and Database reports.
Data_Type “Platform” is applicable to searches in Platform reports.
Release 5.0
We report usage data for the Data_Types “Book” and “Journal” in the Platform and Title master reports. The Database Master Report data contains the Data_Type “Database” and the Platform Master Report contains the Data_Types “Database” and “Platform”.
Other “Data_Type
While there are many other Data_Types in the COUNTER code of practice, none of the other Data_Types should be reported by the types of platforms we report usage from.