Regrettably, we are not able to change the email address associated with your Nature+ account on your behalf.
However, you can update your email address by logging into your Springer Nature account and following these few steps:
PLEASE NOTE: If your profile is linked to a Google account, you will be unable to change your email address until your account is ‘unlinked’.
To unlink the account, click Manage your account, then Linked accounts
Click Unlink
After a few moments, your account should be unlinked.
Click Manage your Account and select Email address, where you can enter a new email address. Click Update email address to confirm these details.
IMPORTANT: To ensure this change filters through to your Nature+ and Shopify accounts, please go back to your Account page and select Subscriptions and purchases, then Nature+ digital subscriptions:
Select your Region and click Log in
This will unify your Nature+ account details.
If you would like further assistance, please contact our Customer Service team.