Re-try the login steps, and if unsuccessful, contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code.
Ask your institution's librarian/IT team to contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code.
Contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code.
Contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code.
This error is caused by a timeout. Please attempt to login again. If unsuccessful, contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code.
Contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code.
SN_7, or "Error message containing 'YourpersonalinstitutionalloginsessionistoooldtoallowSingleSign-OntooursystemPleaselogoutandtryagain'"
This error is caused if it has been longer than 30 days since your last login to your institution's SSO. Our systems reject these 'too old' sessions for security reasons. Log out (you may need to clear your cache and cookies to ensure that your browser forgets your login session) and back in again, then reattempt access. This will create a new session. If unsuccessful, the next step is to navigate to your browser’s saved logins and forget the SSO login details. If the issue persists, contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code and outlining your steps taken so far.
Contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code and the email addresses you are attempting to change.
Contact Institutional Support, quoting your error code.